Thursday 27 October 2011

Moving On...

Hello Friends, I know I promised to make my adventure a happier and exciting one, but it really is hard considering I just got 4 bug bites on my ankle from waiting outside. I am super mad and frustrated. Lmfao. Well I did however make one attempt and that is to find a nicer looking area of the campus and found something. Thought you two might enjoy it.

Monday 24 October 2011

See you later.

I'm writing this post for Fion this time. This is so that she has something to read while she's waiting to change flights from Japan, and perhaps it will give her some comfort during her travels.

I love you I love you I love you. I wanted to tell you that before you left, but at that point I was too choked up to even blurt it out in an understandable fashion. Getting your luggage checked in, repacking your overweight luggage, walking toward the gates--it was all okay, no tears, no blubbering sentimental scenes; we were cool as cucumbers. Now, basking in the last few minutes we had to spend with the trio in full attendance was just too sad. I blubbered...and then we all did as the Niagara falls does.

Seeing you put your brave face on, walking toward the gate with your luggage in hand was heartbreaking. You tell me that you broke down as you watched our backs turn and leave you, my friend, we were also crying for leaving without you. Telling us "Please don't forget me, Please keep in touch...", how could we ever forget you when having you be part of our lives is such a natural act? Don't you realize the importance you have in us?

You will do fine. You will find new, and even special friends. You are the type of person that people like to approach. Have you not noticed that there are so many people revolving around you? Don't give me the "but they aren't all true friends" shit =) they all made the effort to see you before you left--I'd have to say that makes them pretty damn good friends. Next you'll be thinking "You guys are so good to me, I'm such a bad friend" really...if that was the case why the hell did we salt our faces with tears when you left? Silly girl. You must be one special person to create such an embarrassing scene at the airport. The embarrassing tear-jerking scenes weren't completely finished when we left the airport either--it continued the whole car ride home when we were reading your letter. Even now as I write this post for you, my heart is still aching.

Now I just want to take the time to thank you for the two letters you wrote to me. They were beautiful. Thank you for the "remember-when-game", the flashbacks, and the apologies. I was touched at everything you had to say. I'm so thankful that you're a part of my life. Please don't cry =) your new adventure is starting. Soon Cherie will leave and start her adventure as well, I just know that both of you will take things in stride and make the best of everything. This is it for now, we'll save the rest for skype.

See you later <3

Wednesday 19 October 2011


"Together forever, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart.”

The lovely and beautiful Yewyew, Porpor and fEEon with an E.

Monday 17 October 2011


It's slowly becoming more real. Packing clothes away, sifting through the junk and the memories. The number of garbage bags keep increasing, sitting all in a line ready for their next destination. Clothing and trinkets strewn all over the floor, ritz cheesy crackers passed back and forth. So this is what packing to leave feels like.

Helping Fion get ready reminded me that in 6 days there would be no more random Harry Potter marathon nights, or late night shopping for munchies (which always included icecream), on-the-spurr mall dates, and happy hour karaoke nights. Today was only the first day of packing, already I felt a tugging in my chest in anticipation of the due date.

We took a break in the afternoon to clean off the dust bunnies from our clothes. Sitting on the edge of her bed I painted my nails and drank orange juice while she figured what to do with her car. How many more opportunities will we have to enjoy this kind of peaceful interaction with each other?

Last night the 3 of us watched HP again, all of our feet under the blankets propped up on Cherie's cardboard boxes. It was great, it was warm, and I was happy. Fion would squeal when Harry or her other HP character lovers appeared, and Cherie would express her preference for Draco. When we were packing for Fion today we found her old copies of HP, and later I rummaged through my basement for mine.

While I looked for my lost copy, I found something you girls would be happy to see. I was ecstatic. I'm no longer the traitor who lost her keychain. Now our little Keychain memento is complete.

I just thought you girls would like to know.


Friday 14 October 2011

Friends are born, not made

It takes a long time to grow an old friend, and I'd have to say, 14 years is definitely a long enough time.

Looking through my photo albums, I find myself looking at pictures I do not even remember taking. I guess that's what happens when you've been friends with the same girls through Elementary School, High School and University. The three of us have such different personalities, but yet, we've mixed so well together; a passionate romantic; a childish realist; and a patient klutz. The three of us are parting and it makes me cry everytime I think about it. We have taken different routes in life and even though we do not know what awaits us, we know that in our hearts we'll always forever have each other.

I Love You, my oldest friends!

First entry,

Why do I have so much trouble blogging? I don't have a single idea as to how to properly write my thoughts down. All I have are hundreds of little bits and pieces that can't seem to form a story or the focus to express my point. I hope i'm doing okay so far, I'm making sense right? (I should probably add that I've revised this first paragraph a few times *thumbs up*)

What am I doing now? I'm drinking tea, which I suppose made me feel that I should probably contribute to MyTea. Unfortunately, I spent the first 30 minutes trying to find the blog. Then somehow I became a follower, btw guys could you please help me with that little mistake? How embarrassing. Now I've completely lost my train of thought. I'll get back to this. After our little get together later this evening, since we're technically still in same part of the world, country, city...........neighborhood. Ha! Really maxing out the time spent with the girls until the "3 friends blogging from 3 different parts of the world" comes true. 1 week till Fion's departure. 1 month for Cherie d'Amour. When will I leave? Where's my adventure? A question I've been asking since my two friends decided to spring their dreams on me. Love them.

Losing train of thought. I'll get back to this. I promise.



Tuesday 11 October 2011

Live the Unexpected.

The three of us have been experiencing a lot of difficulty trying to figure out life after school. At 22, what road do we take, where will it take us, will we live life with regret? I believe we've traveled to the point where we are now diverting away from what our parents want for us and more towards being a true, independent adult. We're each taking a big step now. Mir getting a real job, Fi following her dreams to study what she wants, and well I'm taking a chance and seeing what is out in the unknown.
I thought this was really great and I hope you guys like it too:

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered "Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived."